Pi的創辦人尼古拉斯博士與范成雕博士受邀Authority Magazine專訪有關『可以改善與重塑加密產業的五件事情』,想要知道更多嗎? 趕緊查看我們的文章,讓我們用全新的眼光來了解Pi的願景,以及為什麼我們選擇的道路如此特別,與我們在加密世界中所扮演的角色和地位。
@PiCoreTeam Sep 23rd - 2:09am
Pi Founders Nicolas Kokkalis and Chengdiao Fan are featured in an Authority Magazine series on the “5 Things That Can Be Done To Improve and Reform the Cryptocurrency Industry.” Want to learn more? Check out the article for more insight on the vision of Pi, the unique path we’re taking, and where we stand in relation to the wider world of cryptocurrencies.
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