新功能發布!現在,您可以直接在 #News 頻道的 Fireside 論壇上分享與您的社區最相關和最有趣的即時新聞和重要故事的連結。點擊(分享新聞) “SHARE NEWS”即可轉到#News 頻道並發表帖子。讓我們為我們的社區賦能,讓每個人都處於領先地位! (同時提醒:新的基礎挖礦速率將於2023年9月1日生效並進行調整)
分享新聞 (SHARE LINK):
@PiCoreTeam Aug 31st - 12:18am
New feature release! You can now share links to breaking news and vital stories that are most relevant and interesting to your community directly on Fireside Forum in the #News channel. Tap “Share news” to go to the #News channel and make a post. Let's empower our community and keep everyone ahead of the curve! (Also reminder: the new base mining rate becomes effective on September 1, 2023 as part of its monthly adjustment)
恭喜您加入Pi Network和PAPC這個大家庭,Pi在未來是個非常具有潛力的區塊鏈項目,也是第一個在用有超過4,700萬人(2022年統計)的區塊鏈項目,其未來價值不可限量,也請各位加入群組討論:
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