Pi 商家黑客松將於 2 月 1 日開始! 開發人員創建一個功能齊全的測試網應用程序,將先鋒與接受 Pi 的企業連接起來, 提交截止日期為 3 月 3 日。 在說明部落格上,找到可用作設計起點的應用程式原型/模型的連結以及聯繫其他參與者創建團隊的表格, 有關專案提交流程和要求的詳細資訊將在未來幾週內公佈。
操作說明 (Instruction):
觀看原型 App 如何操作 (Watch Prototype):
@PiCoreTeam Feb 1st - 9:04am
The Pi Commerce Hackathon begins Feb 1! Developers, create a functioning Testnet app that connects Pioneers with businesses accepting Pi. Submissions are due on March 3rd. On the instructions blog, find links to app prototype/mockups that can be used as a starting point for design and a form to contact other participants to create teams. Details on project submission process and requirements will be announced in the coming weeks.
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